About Me
Welcome everyone to this blog! As you may have guessed by the title, I will be dedicating my posts towards literature- specifically for my Studies in Restoration/Neoclassical Literature class with anecdotes about my time as a barista, or stories in relation to coffee shops, which may somehow pertain to the readings.
I am a current college senior nearing completion of a Bachelor's in English Language and Literature. Tolkien's The Hobbit will always be my first love of literature and the edition I recieved many years ago as a birthday gift will hopefully be my travelling companion when I begin my teaching journey overseas. I have three small beasts (read as dogs affectionately), one of which is named after the Norse god of Thunder but should have instead been named after the God of Mischief for his trickster nature. I am a part-time serving wench at Medieval Times, part-time barista, and full-time coffee and tea enthusiast. I collect swords, student loan debt, and any rocks which catch my eye on forest treks as I mayhaps be a goblin or human incarnation of a magpie. Do I secretly wish to be a character in some fantasy world fighting dragons and become an epic hero? Absolutely. Do I also write said stories but fear publishing them due to crippling anxiety, fear being critiqued, and never completely finish any project? Also yes.
So come, peruse my wares, and maybe even try one or two of the drink recommendations I may offer in my posts.
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